Air Force Materiel Command Infrastructure Assessments

Air Force Materiel Command
Under contract to the Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), Hardlines Design Company (HDC) assessed over 520 buildings located in Ohio, Massachusetts, New York, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, and California; and created a manual with a computerized program and database to assist facility planners with future assessments.

The assessments covered the Air Force’s five infrastructure classifications: Buildings, Utilities, Pavements and Grounds, Airfields, and Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems. In each classification, the team analyzed subcomponents that are integral to the system’s overall physical condition. For example, the overall score that a building component received was determined by a weighted average of all associated subcomponent ratings. The condition of the total building, and hence installation infrastructure, was determined by the mathematical average of all associated rating systems.

The main purpose of the study was to perform a facility infrastructure condition study and to develop a baseline for evaluating the physical condition of the base. During the site survey, HDC also recorded deficiencies noted during the inspections to justify the numerical condition rating given to each inspected subcomponent.

Air Force Materiel Command